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She wasn’t going to let hi she had no hope of fighting, no way of changing She had learned better than that years ago

“I can’t let you go”

His voice, the guttural roughness of it, the spike of need and e hope And she had never been good at fighting hope

“Mercury” Her breathing hitched, the e her now “You’ll mate, someone, sometime”

“That tiround out

“And she was yourthrough her “You loved her so desperately you nearly went insane when you lost her I’ll always be second”

“You’ll always be first,” he snarled in her face, silencing her, the blue highlights in his eyes increasing, glowing, as his voice thickened with his hunger “Always, Ria Always first”

He pushed his hips between her thighs, spread her thighs, and before she could do , powerful hands

“Tell me you don’t want ainst dahs “Tell me now, Ria, that you could want another ht now”

She couldn’t possibly desire anything in life as much as she desired Mercury She couldn’t ache, need or drea as much as she did a life in his arms

As she stared into his eyes earlier, while the feral rage consuht to shield her nakedness fro mattered but Mercury

“I wasn’t crying for Dane,” she ad because I was afraid”

He paused “Of me?”

The first tear slipped free “That they would try to steal you again That they would see your protectiveness as the feral displacement That I would lose you, Mercury And I couldn’t bear losing you”

Silence stretched between the at the entrance to her body