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The mark the man had made on her shoulder was just below thecloser, the animal let its power seep into the h
Seconds later, the animal rumbled its soft purr as the er filled theHe lapped at the woman’s shoulder, probed at the tiny wounds that sharp canines had made and spilled itself inside her body
Not enough, just a bit The taste of her was true war the animal weakened, and as it licked at the soft flesh of her shoulder, it was as though that warth
Strength It could be free now It could struggle free of the bonds holding it, but if it did, if it ht
The anih It wasn’t strong enough for the battle the ent Even noas struggling past sleep, aware that so moved inside him
The animal hid in the cold darkness, the warmth of the woman so close Its eyes closed It forced itself to sleep Because the woman was so close And still, the ani
Mercury ca he hadn’t felt inside hinize it That surge of feral adrenaline, rage tearing a hole through his ently because the soft flesh beneath theed to Ria
And he didn’t dare move Not yet
The shadoere slipping past the door There was no scent Not the scent of hu, of danger
A silent snarl tugged at his lips; rage puh his system He didn’t stop to think about feral displace to the fore
He could sh for hi through the night
He tracked theer clouded as it usually was, but still it wasn’t perfect Not quite as clear as it had been before the feral displacement He couldn’t make out their faces, but he could track their bodies, watch them move
They paused as they entered the room The taller, broader form motioned the other to the side of the bed and indicated he would round it
Not likely If they separated, taking them doould be harder Just another second
He waited, e he was out of the bed