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He pushed his fingers through his hair and did as she’d asked He straightened the couch, he sprayed her detestable air freshener But unknown to her, that wasn’t going to do anything to cover the scent of their sex And he refused to wash her scent from his body
He needed her scent on hi that, when he breathed it in, see inside him
Belonging It was so it seemed would be forever denied him Callan had revoked his rank within the enforcer hierarchy when his weapon and uniform had been confiscated He had backed the safe path rather than an individual Breed, and logically, Mercury couldn’t even blame him for it The Breed cole Breed Even one whose need to belong was like a hunger in his soul
He sat down on the couch, close to Ria’s scent, and breathed her in, knowing she was in that shoashing his scent fro that it took no more than soap and water to wash the smell of him from her flesh
Mating changed the scent of eachunique that couldn’t be washed away It wasn’t like the scents that ether, because he could still distinguish between her scent and his
He paused, staring down at his hands in confusion His sense of se sent a pulse of wariness tearing through hiain Perhaps it was He shook his head What he thought he had sone There was no combined scent, just the smell of sex, of the pleasure they had shared
He had lost the ability to distinguish ss killed the feral rage inside him, they had killed the animal that lurked beneath his senses as well
Once, he had known hiether, coht for supremacy A form of madness that normally meant instant death when it showed itself in an adult Breed
The scientists in the labs he had been created within had developed a drug instead One that killed the animal instinct to dominate the human But he had also lost those extraordinary powers to see in the darkness, to shtest scent, to touch, to taste He had beco, but he had lost the anihtly better than a non-Breed
The Breed with the face of a lion, and the instincts of a norhable
He pushed hi her cabinets, her refrigerator, he found nothing more than coffee and beer and a few old Danishes Good God, how did that wo as she did?
He shook his head and moved to the phone Five rocery store, whose owner he often went hunting with
He couldn’t fix coffee worth shit, but he was ato death in this dark little cabin where she existed after work And he grew tired of pizza fast
Ria wasn’t his mate, but his mate was dead She was taken fro mated meant It didn’t mean he was dead It sure as hell didn’tbeneath his odd appearance
He had e within hi on one contrary little woence that often amazed him as she stood back and watched people She watched and she listened And what she saw, he sensed, was often much more than others did