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He dreay a second later as the phone at his side rang

“There’s no way to irowled as he stared back at Jonas “If you’re in doubt regarding an order, bring Merinus to me It’s the only safety precaution we can depend on Until then, find out what the hell is going on here, and where these fucking orders came from”

“Gentle at his side moments before “Our problems have just been added to”

Callan’s gaze cut to him

Just what the hell they needed, a bigger proble heads over the enforcers again wasn’t enough

Kane looked at thely “Ms Rodriquez has just notified her boss that her job is being blocked, she’s been insulted, and she’s requested the Vanderale heli-jet to be sent to transport her to the airport, where the Vanderale private jet is to pick her up Let’s kiss our funding good-bye right now It was nice while it lasted”


In her life Ria couldn’t re so furious as she had been when she walked out of Sanctuary And she couldn’t even explain to herself why the burning anger was rushing through her so powerfully

The moment she entered the cabin, she put her case on the bar and lifted the laptop fro the screen

She pulled her eh Sanctuary’s secured network and would be intercepted She didn’t bother to encrypt the email she typed out to Dane, and pushed “send”

She let a s Sanctuary, but it would bring Dane on their asses like a ton of bricks

“You’re not going anywhere,” Mercury stated as he passed by her on the way to the kitchen “And you need to eat You haven’t eaten today”

She curled her fingers against the counter and bit back the s on her lips Yeah, she was a bitch She knew she was a bitch, but it was an attitude that worked for her Usually She had a feeling the consequence of that attitude ht be more than she could handle at the moment And besides, she kne to be a cautious bitch It was the intelligent path to take when Dane was in one of his crappy moods as well; she hoped it worked with Mercury

“This isn’t the tis,” she infor but cool “Sanctuary has some serious problems at the moment, Mercury”

“And canceling their funding is going to help that?” He snorted as he faced her from the other side of the bar “If there’s a power play within the ranks, then we need to figure out who’s doing it and what the hell is going on”