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Leo was a family man He was a prime pride leader and he had proven it with the Breeds he protected on his African estate And he ached for the sons he knew the Council had created fros they had stolen frorandchildren Grandchildren Dane seemed in no hurry to provide him with

“I hope you’ve been honest with Jonas concerning your reasons to be here, Ria,” Mercury drawled then “He can be a bastard when you lie to him”

Yeah yeah, like father like son Jonas Wyatt was Leo’s son as well and was ht

She turned back to him with a smile “I know his father, Mr Warrant, and the apple didn’t fall far fro honest and straightforward are but a few of my faults”

Dane would have laughed his rear off at that comment, and she knew it

But Mercury nodded and said nothing aze stayed on her, and she swore the flushinto her bones

Daood asand his nostrils were flaring, she suspected he sensed the arousal she could feel building in her

She was a woman And damn if he wasn’t a fine specimen of a man and a Breed She wasn’t mated, and she wasn’t dead She had all the instincts other wo for a taste of tall, dangerous and delicious over there

That didn’t mean she had to act on them

Therose between the driver’s section and the passenger’s Ria turned and gave Mercury a questioning look

“Lawe likes to open hisIt ht be too cold for you,” he stated, but his eyes said so her head and turning to stare out thenext to her

Yes, she was aroused, and no doubt the Breed driving knew it

She gave aJust as she didn’t doubt in the least that they should be used to it Wo websites and a variety of other online communities, both reviled and lusted after the creations man had made and lost control of

They were fascinated by the Breeds They were frightened of them and aroused by theeyht as well as the dark lovers that invaded wo Most of the tied to remind her how fickle humans could be

Because it would take very little to turn the tide against the Breeds, and if the rumors Dane had heard were correct, then that tide could be coh much sooner than anyone expected And it could be uessed