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She subrated at him each time it happened
“Or he could mate her and live happily ever after,” he retorted sarcastically “Until we know one way or the other, then our hands are tied”
“I could warn hienetics ested
“And have hih his hair in frustration “You don’t know Merc very well, Ely I do Keep your mouth shut and keep me up-to-date on this I’ll take care of the rest”
Dammit to hell He didn’t need this He needed Merc to keep Vanderale’s little paper pusher out of trouble, not to o insane on hi out on him
He turned and left the lab, closing the door carefully behind hies At tiood drunk ht have helped
The private jet taxied into the hangar, pulling into the heated cavern awaiting it, and huge metal doors closed to trap the heat inside as its motors stilled
Long minutes later, the door opened, and Ria Rodriquez stepped out onto the top step the pilot had lowered She stared around the hangar
A long black lis, and as she watched, a door opened and Mercury Warrant stepped from the car
She wanted to groan at the sight of the man sent to meet her Or rather the Breed
She stared at him curiously She had seen his photos over the past months, knew asup, and still, the sight of him was like a punch of reaction deep inside her stomach
His features weren’t those of a ed with If a sexier than hell version of both could be created, then that was Mercury Warrant