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p; “Fair! Also, I'll be a couplethe door behind him

What a jerk, I thought for thefor soo find another bathroo on his desk I decided I could checkthat if our places were reversed, the jerk wouldn't even hesitate to useh I would have access He wouldn't do that for me

There was a screen saver up, but it wasn't password protected I ju ot updated at school Suddenly, a pop-up notification froht part of the screen

Nicole says: goodthinkin about u

I couldn't help but click on it I wished I hadn't In the chat box was a teek long conversation, dating back to the day that he got back froes were about 90 fro back very briefly Every time she asked when he'd be back in town, he had said that he didn't think he was co part wasn't the text, it was the pictures

Nicole says: how do you like my new pants? (attached was a picture of her with a pair of tight jeans on and no top, just her breasts exposed for him to see)

Nicole says: do u likeup her t-shirt, exposing her belly button ring to him with the curves of the bottom of her breast painfully apparent)

Nicole says: like what u see, daddy? (attached was a picture of her laying on her bed naked, her pussy spread for him

There were several more just like that One every day or so Every response fro I never saw hi them

“What do you think you're doing?” a voice asked from the direction of the bathroom

I turned to hiestured to the co?”

He stormed over to where I sat and slah that I would have worried about hi the screen if he wasn't a billionaire “I' pictures”

I shouldn't have been angry with hi ry with Nicole, because for all she knew, he was single and very aroused by her Still, that would have been rational And right now, I felt anything but rational

“I didn't see you asking her to stop,” I said