page27 (1/2)

“Sure” she gestures to the settee in the room Maybe I can learn a bit more about hih I didn't know it at the tiuess in h powered businessman Huh That couldn’t have been further from the truth”

I find ive her some comfort as her eyes drift off into her h,” she continues, “He would coressive I am ashamed to admit now that I sort of liked it” I kno she feels

“Sex with hiined But then he began to change Not in h that it should have sent up red flags But I was still too enamored with the wealth'' I see a tear in the corner of her eye and my heart breaks for her I hear remnants of her story in this situation and I a my decision

“You don’t have to continue Forget I asked” not wanting her to relive a life she escaped

“No, it’s ok I have never spoken in such detail to anyone It feels kind of good to get it out'' I nod knowing how she feels “One day, I found ht home He said it was to prove my loyalty and at the time, I fell for it” oh God My hand comes to my mouth as I try to contain the sorrow

“When I would try to resist, I would be held down and given cocaine to coet my next fix Food tortured an to waste away Then one day, in comes Dario He was the first ust I didn’t see pity when I looked in his eyes I saw rage for what had been done to me” how can a man like that possibly be as dark as he claims?

“He brought me to his home, hired people to nurse me back to health and helped o”

“Wow” Not sure what else to say Now I know there is light in him

The question is: do I like the darkness more?

