page22 (1/2)

“Hello Miss Lorr Again, please call me Mr Lassiter and thank you Also, please clear s I have to take for paperwork or to finish out an arbitration or so, I will not be in the office Got it?”

“Yes Da--um I mean Mr Lassiter”

“Thank you” Reaching for the phone I try to reht I don’t abhor Well… until el landed intoday?”

“Dario, really Studious? You do know I aht?” She hates when I talk to her like my little sister

“I’m sorry How may I help you little sister?”

“Jerk Anyway,a dinner party for h I protested profusely I know you hate these things, but pleasefor ht, I abhor social events like this Even ones I a to me and I will always come for them

“Of course I will be there” I say as it hitsI intended to do it this weekend But noith this, it seems I need to do it sooner rather than later

“Great Why don’t you bring Heather Smith? Mom has always liked her and I…”

“That will never fucking happen and so helpI won’t have Jewel…”

“Whose Jewel?” she asks Shit Myup

“She is going to be et it all out

“Ohbrother has finally been broken I can’t believe this Who is she? Is her fa to have so ” This will take all damn day

“You are going to have to wait until the party Now, some of us are not still students and have real work to do I love you, munchkin”

“Really with thebrother I love you too” Da out my after work phone, I call Anais


“How is she?” I don’t give a shit about anything but her

“She is well, boss She has been exploring the grounds and spending some time with Miss Lola Would you like to speak to her?” speak? Hell no I would like to fuck her right now It reminds me that my baby needs a phone now

“No I will be leaving here in an hour Please drive her and Lola to meet me at ‘ABOVE’”