page90 (1/2)
Suddenly, we're in a standoff, eyes wide and guns pointing every which way as ait for the first shot to be fired
I knew Gustavo wouldn't like this, and I should've anticipated his anger would wreck us all He's looking at Father with pure bloodlust in his eyes, and the uns
I realize I don't give a shit what happens My life is -way
I never should've let her get away, and I know I'll regret it for the rest ofI can do
Nothing could change this It's fucking over
My captive has broken down her gilded cage and groings Now she's free, and the only thing I'm left to wonder about is whether she'll feel better or worse now that she doesn't answer to me
My heart pounds as we get closer and closer to the lastpoint This is it This is whereto take
My stoiant knot and I feel sick as the car pulls up in front of a large driveway I've never been to this house before I heard it is one of Vitto's fainal home and the only one the Bernardis don't know about
I get out of the car with Eleanora opening the door for uard's hand and they walk toward the building Before they can takeout in the air
My ears are deafened by the shots My heart is pounding and I can faintly hear soets louder and louder, I realize it's co from my mouth
Eleanora and the guard fall for the ground She lets out a gargled sound as blood spurts out of her uard leans forward, his own torso with two bullet holes as he kisses Eleanora's bloody round, joined in one final kiss
I'unshots ring out One into the wheels, one through the driver's head He slus out where no one can hear it
I fall to my knees before them There's no one else here but rave i and Vitto are ruthless They just shot three people ere their fucking associates What the hell is going to happen when they find out about everything Adrian has done to me?
The doors of the uards, only me and the two men who shaped my life until my parent’s death
Luigi, uns and with a new look in his eyes, one that speaks of loss, deterer