page9 (1/2)
"Maybe you haven't figured it out yet, but I make all the rules around here I'm the boss, the people here work for me My word is law
"I don't work for you"
"No, you don't But you're a guest on et along with me" The softly spoken threat hit Emma exactly where he aimed it
"I'reeable," she said quietly
"Then understand we're having a conversation, getting to know each other a little We don't have the same kind of formality out here that you're used to I'm curious about you, that's all You seem kind of innocent like, I believe I've mentioned that before Seems to me that all that innocence would have been wiped aith you being a married wo feels like"
"You shouldn't be saying such things" Emma tried for the most pleasant tone she could reeable
"Just you and irl, I already said that My house, my supper table I'll pretty much talk to you anyway I see fit"
Emma was silent as she tried to hold his eyes with hers and failed She lost her appetite completely and looked down at her hands, folded in her lap
A loud, grating sound broke the silence as he pushed his chair back and it slid across the wooden floor Emma didn't look up as he came to stand by her chair
"You finished?"
She nodded her head
"You knohat comes next"
His words sounded threatening and her eyes flew to his as she lost all color
He shook his head at the look on her face "I' to carry you to your bedroom"
"I can walk, you don't have to carry me" Her voice was shaky in her confusion
"Don't have to,and his expression had a sense of purpose
His hand reached down and lifted hers and Ee, male body The boots on his feet added an extra couple of inches to his already soaring height
Her eyes were level with his chest
His other hand reached up and his rough, calloused finger slowly slid across her shoulder and across the top swell of her breast as he lifted the collar of the dress and pulled it back up to cover her
Easped at the sensation She was rendered completely helpless and could barely stay up on her oo feet
She heard the rattling sound of his breath cos and her eyes lifted to his That rough finger moved under her chin and lifted Fire smoldered in his eyes
"You're pretty" His voice was gravelly, the words a harsh, loud whisper
Pleasure filled her from the co that had anything to do with her looks The gravelly sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine and she couldn't find her voice to thank him
He continued in a low, cajoling voice, "Did your husband think you were pretty? Did he tell you when you were naked in his arms?"
Emma swayed at his words as total shock infiltrated her syste for balance Steel in the forers as she unconsciously spread the as much of him as she could possibly reach with one hand Intense heat spread through her and she felt the oddest tingling between her thighs It was pleasant and kind of bothersome, all at once
His eyes were dark chocolate brown as they watched her too closely She felt her lids slide down over her eyes as the feelings surged within her
The finger left her chin and trailed back down to land on her shoulder again where it slowly pulled her dress down until it bared her white flesh to his eyes The fabric dropped low on her chest and rubbed against her breast on the doard slide Eainst the thin white le petticoat
She stood in frozen fascination as his breath hissed in and he looked at her bare shoulder and almost naked breast
"If I had you naked in ed to me, I'd tell you how pretty you are all the time Hoeet your body smells, how soft you feel, how much I want you"
She felt his head turn as if he were breathing in her scent
A tear slid fro words
He wiped it aith a swipe of a finger "Why the tears?"
She shook her head slohen she couldn't fors to her; nobody had ever wanted to hold her