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“That isn’t fair!”
“No, it isn’t fair considering theyou with food and lodging and servants whose wages don’t come out of your pocket is my concession, since I should have kept a closer watch on you in the first place!”
Kermilla sat back, stunned
“I aer have the twelve men required to form an official court,” Sabrina continued “And I aer have twelve men”
“I can explain that”
“No, you can’t, and I strongly suggest you don’t try As for the re members of your First Circle, officially they’re still yours to coned a contract of service with you However, you should be aware that Lord Jhorer able to fulfill his duties as a consort and has asked to be reassigned to escort duties for the reranted The rest of your men have requested that their service to you be confined to duties in Bhak and Woolskin, whether you’re residing there or not That request was also granted And any orders that go beyond ordinary court assignardless of who gives those orders”
“So I have a court in name only?”
Feeling weak and dizzy, Kermilla stared at the Queen of Dharo “What am I supposed to do?”
“It’s clear now that you needed an older—and firuide you and help you understand your responsibilities as a Queen It’s also clear that your training failed That gives you two choices, Kermilla You can apply to serve in another Queen’s court noith no chance of ever ruling on your own, or you can go through the training again All of it—repeating the lessons you should have learned in Cassidy’s court as well as serving in another Queen’s court for two years At the end of that time, if the Province Queens and I are convinced that you’re ready, you will be periven the opportunity to rule another village”
“And if I for?”
“You won’t for,” Sabrina said, her voice filled with cold steel
“And if I do?” Kermilla persisted
“The Warlord Princes underfield—and destroy it” Sabrina stood up “Is there anything else, Lady Kermilla?”
Her legs were shaking so hard, she wasn’t sure she could stand, but Sabrina’s disive her a choice So she stood up andformal leave of the Queen
As Kermilla opened the door, Sabrina said, “It looks like you also need to brush off yourwith the rest of your training”
Sabrina sank into the chair behind her desk and rubbed her te for her next visitor It wouldn’t occur to hi
Her Steward showed him into the room at the precise time she had requested He stopped beside the visitor’s chair
“Prince Butler”