page96 (2/2)
“Good afternoon, Julien” She kept her tone frigidly polite
“I trust you had a pleasant outing,” he replied
No matter how cold she made her voice, the damn butler would match it—and then add just a little more ice
“Prince Theran is in his study,” Julian said “He asked that you join him there when you returned”
She handed hies “Take these up to my room, if that won’t interfere too much with your other duties”
He tipped his head in a bow that was less than he should have given her
She knocked on the door and felt a quiver of uneasiness when she heard theclick of the lock turning before the door opened
Theran stood halfway between his desk and the door, as if he couldn’t decide where he was supposed to be
“You enjoyed yourself?” he asked
She rushed up to hi “I did And I was pleased to see soto make the town look festive for Winsol” She played with a button on his shirt, looked up at hiave hi what she wanted “But I was alittle bit careless because everything looked so wonderful” She caught her lower lip between her teeth “So I’ for Winsol”
She saw it in his eyes, felt it in the way he see A bad miscalculation on her part She should have reme A trifling expense to her was an alance to him
“I’ave you everything that could be spared froh”
“Oh, Theran” She grasped his hands “I’et that” No, that wasn’t the right way to regain the ground she’d just lost
“It doesn’t matter”
Why not?That he gave up without anger or arguing troubled her
“I need to talk to you about so else” He led her over to the stuffed chair and footstool that were tucked on one side of the room Once she was settled in the chair, he sat on the footstool
“What is it? What’s wrong?” So bad She could tell that much
“It’s about your friend Correne”
“Theran, I haven’t even written to her lately, so if she’sremarks about Cassidy—”