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“Bardoc, stay with the Lady,” Jhorma said as he pushed away from the card table and approached Theran
Jhor, but Theran wasn’t going to argue Jhorma was a rival for Kermilla’s affections—and her bed—but lately he’d shown himself to be a sensible ht now, Theran wasn’t going to turn away anyone’s help “Julien, tell Prince Talon—”
Talon walked into the roo Julien aside Ranon, Archerr, Spere, and Haele followed hi a stretcher that held a blanket-wrapped bundle
“Theran,” Talon said “Lord Jhor at the card table, and said nothing—a deliberate social cut
“I think this belongs to your Lady,” Talon said, turning his attention back to Theran Using Craft he pulled aside the blanket far enough to reveal the head
“Mother Night,” Jhorma whispered “That’s Laska”
“Laska?” Kermilla squeaked
“What happened to him?” Theran asked
The look in Talon’s eyes Hard Unforgiving
“This afternoon, thisWarlord,” Talon said “The youngster’s brother, a Warlord Prince, eliminated the enemy Afterwards, a member of the court identified the man as one ofhers So we have returned him”
“It took a lot of rage to do that,” Jhor at Laska
“There was a reason for the rage,” Talon replied, his eyes never leaving Theran
Theran’s heart banged against his chest “Is the youngster all right?”
“The Healer has done all she can We don’t know if it will be enough,” Talon said
Hard eyes Unforgiving eyes Accusing eyes
Hell’s fire, Talon, how bad is it? Theran asked Why would Laska do it?
As for why, ask your Lady, Talon replied As for how badWe won’t know that until we know if the youngster will live
Theran looked at Ranon Cold, black fury inthose eyes And pain
Mother Night
“I appreciate you returning the body to us,” Jhornize the courtesy you have extended to us in doing so I will take the body back to Dharo Sharief because there was no honor in how Laska died, but his farieve”
Talon, I am so sorry, Theran said
Laska’s family isn’t the only one who has a reason to feel shame because of this Talon walked out of the room
After lowering the stretcher to the floor, Ranon and the other men followed Talon Julien hurried out after them
“I’ll leave as soon as I’m packed” Jhorma vanished the body and stretcher