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“That’s it?”

The guard nodded “Don’t think the other landens around here believed any good would co”

Ranon called in the letters of passage “You’ll need to get one of these to Weaver and uard riding as escort”

“Done,” Rogir said

“I’ll need you to come with us to represent your men”

Soir nodded

“We’ve got a Coach at the station We’ll take the wooods as we can pack into the thing”

“Appreciate it We’ve all used Craft to vanish things and store the more than is comfortable”

And co the reserves in the Jewels that way

“Thestation said they have a Coach and driver we can use if we’re relocating folks,” Haele said “I did tell them some of those people would be landens, and he said as a courtesy to the Queen, he’d charge the saer”

Anotherpassage on the Coaches that could ride the Winds, but they were usually charged double—sometimes triple—what any of the Blood would pay, so most couldn’t afford the luxury of speed

A feeling crawled just under his skin, scratching at hi to finish an assignuards arrived

“Let’s do this and get out of here,” he growled

Maybe he wasn’t the only one who had that feeling because they all settled into their tasks with griht, they were all out of Grayhaven and traveling, by one means or another, to Eyota



Two days after that disastrous dinner party, Theran went into the Steward’s office, sat behind the desk, and pressed his hands against his forehead The da to let him have the hour of peace he needed before he had to face the rest of a miserable day

Then he noticed the neat stack of papers placed in the center of the desk and swore as he read the first , and the headache, increased in intensity as he looked through the rest of the stack and realized what they were

“How in the name of Hell could she spend this much?” he muttered Yes, he’d offered to pay for the expenses Ker here, but obviously he hadn’t been explicit enough about how much she could spend

Feeling sick, he added up the bills three ti he’d find some mistake that would reduce the total

No mistake He vanished all the bills and pushed away from the desk He had to talk to the merchantsnow And he’d have to pay the price of Ker

And that would make this day a whole lot worse

Kermilla lifted her chin to indicate the tavern two doors down froed to meet Garth and Brok She hadn’t heard frouards the other day, so it was a good thing they’d set up this o inside and see if they’re still in there”

Trae hesitated “I’ht today I can’t leave you unattended, Lady”

“You can if I say you can” She tapped her foot to indicate she was annoyed He used to sive in when she did that Now he looked uneasy “Fine,” she said “I’ll walk doith you and stand outside It isn’t suitable for o into a tavern”