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Mounting his horse, he rode back through town and found hi one of the shops that held the kind of merchandise only an aristo could afford He stopped, dis there
Hell’s fire Heknehat he was doing there: looking for so to sweeten the half-promises he’d made on his Queen’s behalf
“May I assist you?” the merchant asked
Sweets Cassie had dipped into the loan Sadi had given the court and given her First Circle half as due the tithe, so he had a few marks he could spend
“Chocolates,” he said “A small treat for the Ladies” He emphasized small because the stuff ickedly expensive
The merchant studied him “You serve Lady Cassidy”
Ranon felt his body tighten, but he wasn’t sure why since the man had made no hostile move “I do”
“I heard she is now living in a village in the eastern Shalador reserve?”
“She is”
“Is she intending to stay there?”
“She is”
A hesitation “Would there be rooe for another shop?” Ranon blinkedAnother one looking to run? He looked around the shop “The Shalador people couldn’t afford your fine merchandise”
“I can adapt and sell what people need”
There weren’t any shops like this one in Eyota, but there were going to be the shops owned by Sadi “The Warlord Prince of Dhee Histhose shops Lord Marcus will be in Eyota for a couple more days”
“Thank you for the information”
As the merchant went behind the counter, Ranon spotted the small boxes of chocolates He winced at the price, but he chose the box that held a dozen pieces—three each for Cassidy, her mother Devra, Shira, and Reyhana
He set the box on the counter The merchant looked at the box, then reached under the counter, set a box twice that size beside the one Ranon chose, and vanished the smaller box
“The one you chose is stale,” he said “I’ll give you this one for the same price”
Ranon frowned “Why would you leave out stale sweets?”
Theas much when they are stolen”
“Have you reported this theft?” Ranon asked “Who has been stealing from you?”
The man’s silence was the answer
Ranon paid for the chocolates, then vanished the box and headed for the door He wanted to get away from here He wanted to behome