page55 (2/2)

“Let’s take a look at the village,” Daemon said

It was a sh to take care of itself and the people within its boundaries

Dae about their business went on alert at the sight of strangers—and relaxed when they realized the strangers ith hiet a look at the strangersdespite Gray and Ranon being with him

“Does this village often see trouble?” Ranon asked when Gray stopped at a bookshopand stared at the display, da with excitement

“No,” Dae its proximity to the Hall, if trouble starts here and the Queen’s court can’t handle it, I will”

“But all the males are ready to defend”

“It is our nature, Ranon”

The shop door opened and Sylvia walked out She wore a sleeveless shirt tucked into a pair of knee-length trousers and sandals Her short black hair looked deliberately le thing besides her psychic scent that would give anyone a clue that she was the Queen of Halaway

Daemon iven Sylvia a quick, assessing look before shtly

“Good afternoon, Lady,” Gray said

Sylvia narrowed her gold eyes “You look familiar, but not”

“May I introduce Prince Jared Blaed Grayhaven and Prince Ranon,” Dae from Dena Nehele Gentlemen, this is Lady Sylvia”

Gray frowned at him “You didn’t introduce her as a Queen”

Proof enough that Gray was farcaste

He glanced at Sylvia, who gave hiht I didn’t Lady Sylvia rules Halaway and prefers to be infore unless formality is required”

Gray beas to be in Eyota The Shaladorans are pretty comfortable with that because they’re used to their Queens living a where we do now than she e were in Grayhaven”

Hell’s fire, Daehtly stunned expression and sed the urge to laugh The earnest young Warlord Prince who had asked hied puppy

“I met someone else named Grayhaven recently,” Sylvia said

“Jared Blaed and Theran are cousins,” Daemon said

Sylvia’s s with Vae?”

“Oh, Vae lives with Cassie and me now,” Gray said “So does Khollie, but that’s because Ranon and Shira live in the Queen’s Residence with us”

“Well, that must make story time easier for all of you, since the humans can take turns”

“Story time?”

Ah, no, Sylvia,Dae to stop her

“You don’t know about story ti her eyes When Gray shook his head, she opened the bookshop door and called to someone inside “Do you have any copies ofUnicorn to the Rescue orSceltie Saves the Day ?” She turned back to Gray “How many Scelties live with you?”