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“I can keep Shira company,” Gray said
“Thanks What can I do for you?”
“I’d like to learn the Fire Dance” He saw Ranon’s initial surprise change to thoughtful assessment
“Have you and Cassidy?”
Gray shook his head
“Because of Yaslana’s rules about you having sex?”
He shook his head again “When Cassie looks at me, she doesn’t see a man I don’t kno to explain it We kiss and we touch, and it’s good Mother Night, it’s good But there is so ht the Fire Dance”
Ranon’s hand felt warm on his shoulder
“I’ll teach you,” Ranon said “And this autumn, when that full moon rises, you’ll dance with your Brothers”
They walked back to the house, left the s in the kitchen, and went their separate ways
As Gray went to find Shira, it occurred to hiht was deficient in any way to stand escort to the woman who held his heart
There were the usual reports fros he said every ti ly this time that it would be in all of their best interests if she returned to Bhak and took care of the villages she ruled As if she were another Freckledy who reallywanted to rule a sheep-shit village Why did she need to be there? The e for the five years they’d served Cassidy They kne to keep the landens in Woolskin leashed and how to discourage any coe was being ruled If the person couldn’t be discouraged fro, her males should make certain the complaint went no further than her own Steward After all, their reputations and ambitions were as much at stake as hers, and were, in fact, dependent on hers
But this ti with all the dull reports, there were letters from a couple of aristo friends Those letters talked about parties and picnics, own being designed for the autumn season
What couldshe write about? She was stuck in a town that thought outdoor concerts and having a dozen people for dinner at an aristo’s house was outrageous and daring And the clothes! Hell’s fire, she was fro and fabric of the finest quality Even the meanest cloth that was only fit for landens in Dharo was better than the best she could find in this dung-gray town
And Theran was alwaysbusyDoing what? Who could tell! Nothing interesting Maybe she should su with her Consort would fill an hour or so But they would need to be discreet She’d invited Theran to her bed two nights ago, and now he seeave hi a hter anted to climb the social ladder, but it would take ahi exclusive Besides, enthusiasht his heart to the bed didn’t provide the same pleasure as a man who had been trained to please a woman’s body
Despite the ie, Theran really didn’t have es that were hers simply because she was a Queen But he really did care about her even if he was rather dull most of the time, and she did want to help hiain For a few years, anyway