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“It’s good to be honize the inside of the place After all, she’d been gone five days and had told Powell he could do pretty much as he pleased

“Those cottages across from the Residence weren’t occupied e left,” Ranon said, studying the street while offering Shira a hand “Shaddo and Archerr must be back”

The door of the Residence opened Talon stepped out and strode over to them

The way he looked her over—as if assessing a warrior he’d sent out on a difficult mission who had finally returned—she wondered how many reports, and complaints, the Master of the Guard and Steward had received in the past five days

“Shaddo and Archerr are back?” she asked

“They are,” Talon replied “Lady Shira, toh, but I think a visit from the court Healer would be in order for both families Those people have not had an easy time”

“Should I go over and welcome them?” Cassidy asked


The finality of that statement shook her

“Toh for them to have an audience with the Queen,” Talon said

“Surely we don’t have to be so formal—” She sed the rest of her protest It was clear Talon thought there was reason for that formality

“Powell has worked out a schedule of afternoons when you are available to give audiences,” Talon said

“Afternoons?” Cassidy sta to rearrange the furniture, not my life!”

“Did you?”

The amusement under the dry words h to go over my social calendar?”

“I think so,” Talon replied

“Good Then there’s enough time for a quick bite to eat before Ilesson”

“No”Ranon backed away from her, his dark eyes filled with fear “No, he can’t do that”

Staggered by his distress, she said nothing as he strode down the street toward his grandfather’s house Then she turned to Shira

“Yairen offered to teach you?” Shira asked, her voice breaking as tears filled her eyes

“Yes When Ranon brought me back here, Yairen stayed with me and we talked He offered to teach me the drums He said drums were a woman’s instrument because they were the sound of the land’s heartbeat Shira, why is Ranon so upset? Is it against Shaladoran customs to teach an outsider?”

Tears spilled over Shira shuddered with the effort to maintain some control “We weren’t forbiddenas they were fro that came from Shalador, that carandfather is a Tradition Keeper of Music He taught people how to play drums and the flute He wasn’t as skilled with the fiddle and only taught the basics But he defied the Queens who ruled here and taught the Shalador drus So they broke his hands as punishment And when his hands healed the first time, he continued to teach the ain The third ti so that Yairen could no longer play Ranon was a small boy the last tiht Ranon to play the Shalador flute—and taught his of our people”

Cassidy stood frozen while Shira dried her eyes and the men shifted uneasily