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That evening only eht be younger, but she was far more aristo and sophisticated Whicharisto families, had so little to offer

“No, this is so else,” Theran said “So power to enrich the land”

Kermilla rolled her eyes “OhThat Every Queen kno to do that”

“No, they don’t The Queens here have forgotten They need someone to lead them, to teach them”

She gave him a sexy pout that always made him wonder what her mouth would taste like, but there wasn’t time for distractions

“Cassidy offered to show them,” Theran said

“Then let Cassidy show the in the dirt”

Theran hesitated He couldn’t ive her assurances yet, but hecould hint strongly enough that she wouldn’t iven her

“A Territory Queen needs to be a strong leader, needs to teach the skills that will benefit the people” He stopped walking and looked at her intently so she would understand this was i, the Warlord Princes will need to select another Queen to rule Dena Nehele They’ll take the opinions and preferences of the Queens who are here today into account”

He waited

Several seconds later, her eyes widened “Oh IseeWell then, since Cassidy isn’t here to perform her duties, I will be happy to assist you, Theran It would be a sha”

He smiled, relieved “Exactly”

Surreal took his face between her hands and se Try not to be an ass on top of it”

“I’mnot an ass,” Gray roup of Queens the different ways of using their power to enhance the crops in a field

“Are you still snarling about that?” Ranon asked, also keeping close watch

“You’d be snarling too if she’d said it to you”

“Probably,” Ranon replied, shed Gray heard so much relief in that sound

“Last one,” Gray said “Then we can go home”

They had fought it out for hours after Surreal and Rainier left Powell had tried to keep things courteous, but it felt like yelling was the only way to bridge the gap bethat Cassie wanted to do and what the court illing to let her do

In the end, neither side was happy, but the co they could all live with