page18 (1/2)
“Because she cares so much”
Gray sighed
Crisis over,Saetan thought, draining the gobletUntil the next tis over with Cassie”
Gray gave hi “It would ss over a lot faster if Cassie and I could have sex”
Saetan said dryly, “Boyo, we’re pretty sure Marian is pregnant, and she’s very queasy today Dae with hisout, and Lucivar is ready to chew stone trying to deal with hisboy Today isnot the day to ask him about sex”
A pause “If we hadyour permission”
He laughed softly “Not a chance, puppy Lucivar had good reasons for setting firm boundaries for what you and Cassie can and can’t do, and he’ll be the one who decides when you’re ready for the next stage” It didn’t sound like Gray needed as o, but that didn’t mean he had the maturity yet to be a Queen’s lover
Still, the fact that the boy was starting to question those boundaries was a good sign that Gray was growing into a healthyhow fir Warlord Prince made the transition to adult , boyo, those reasons still apply”
“Oh” Gray looked disappointed, but only for abeside hi man’s enthusiasm
Vae appeared on the edge of the courtyard Gray? Gray! Draca says it is tih Lord will open the Gate for you Then he needs to sleep because this is his sleep time
Gray sprang to his feet “I’m sorry, sir I didn’t mean to keep you from your rest”
Saetan hesitated In so, a sinificance, would ripple through Dena Nehele if it was accepted “You can call me Uncle Saetan, if you like”
The words were absorbed The significance was understood And one more inner layer of defense that had protected Gray the boy but hobbled Jared Blaed the hed off
On the walk through the Keep to the Dark Altar and the Gate, Gray talked about the Shalador village and the people he’d ood friend and that he and Gray were settling into a working relationship that was typical of a strong, healthy court where therelationship he’d seen in the Dark Court
What wasn’t clear was how Theran was responding to any of the dra place in Eyota
Theran tried to ignore the sick feeling in his gut—and tried not to think about the last tiht expression on his face and the gri not to think about that too
“You’re sure he’s not in the village?” Talon asked for the third time
Ranon shook his head “We’ve looked I even checked the house that accommodates unattached males He’s not here”
Mother Night “Should one of us go back to Grayhaven?” Theran asked “That’s the only place he knows in Dena Nehele”
“He ue camps in the Tamanara Mountains,” Talon said
“Maybe,” Theran said “But he couldn’t have gone alone”