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When she set the plate in front of herself and didn’t eat, resentment bubbled up If she hadn’t wanted the food, why had she preventedhi it?
At least Ranon is still stuck with the porridgeThen Theran glanced at his cousin Gray and re with Cassidy
Gray had been daed in body and mind by the Queen who had captured and tortured him when he was fifteen Noelve years later, Gray was finally changing emotionally and mentally from boy to man A boy couldn’t be Cassidy’s lover, and that desire, thatneed was the force driving Gray’s transformation
The proof of that was a si: When they had first co inside thebeside Cassidy, talking about
“What?” Theran alwhat ?”
“Going to the Shalador reserves,” Cassidy replied calmly “The Shalador Queens invitedon, want me to see the truth of their concerns”
“It’s not safe,” Theran said It had been his auto the people, but this time he really was concerned about her safety and not what people would think about the Queen who now ruled them
He poured his coffee and began to eat because he needed to fill his belly
“Then it’s up to Talon as Master of the Guard and Ranon as his second-i n-command to make it safe,” Cassidy said
“If ere going to the southern or western reserves, I would agree with Theran,” Shira said “They border other Territories, and the people there are as desperate as we are when it co their lives and land”
“What are you concerned about?” Cassidy asked Shira “That they’ll try to abduct me?”
Silence around the table A sharpening of psychic scents as the Warlord Princes who served in the First Circle put an edge on tempers that were alell-honed
“You underestimate your value, Lady,” Shira said “You don’t kno ood Queen is worth in Terreille Especially now”
“An abducted Queen isn’t worth anything,” Cassidy countered “You can’t force her to rule”
“But abducting a Queen could start another war”
Cassidy leaned back, clearly startled by that possibility
“Ranon’s hoh away from other Territory borders to be safe, and it’s backed by the Tamanara Mountains,” Shira said “Protected on all sides”
“But not protected from what’s inside,” Theran said
“The Shalador people have no reason to wish Lady Cassidy harm,” Shira said coolly
“Prince Grayhaven, you can debate this all you want, but my decision isat the Shalador reserve You, Powell, and Talon will discuss what needs to be done in order to accomplish that”
She would have backed down a fortnight ago, Theran thought She would have respected that he knew more about what Dena Nehele needed than she did—and the other Warlord Princes who served her wouldn’t have opposed him