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Katie and the North Star

To everyone I was lucky enough to meet over the years at Utopia (UtopYA) Con I’rateful that Janet had the vision and passion to make the con possible I wouldn’t have been able to ers, and readers without it

Keep on lifting as you climb!

Everybody dreams of a Hawaiian vacation…

They sell you on the drinks with little u walks on the beach Which probably happens, if you’re that lucky sch, but if you’re a fish out of water PI like , because trouble is never far behind

Instead of cocktails, I ended up dealing with the seedy underbelly of The Big Island

And, I didn’t see one da over with drug dealers, kingpins, and pedophiles

I did get to take that long walk on the beach, but that resulted inbusted by his parents, while ere all butt-ass naked

Which leadsCade’s family Elin and Elena think they’re the coolest people outside of Snapchat, but it’s hard to meet the parents when your boyfriend is in his late thirties and has never had a serious relationship

You want to talk about grandbaby fever … His ht of Cade reproducing, and, although the thought of little bad-ass babies who look like Cade is appealing, we’re definitely not ready to take that step

I’d never irls sowith issues of their own, and can’t come to my rescue

The only thing that et Lei’d with Cupcakes

“We have started our descent into Honolulu We should touch down in twenty ht”

I looked to h an hour ago they’d been fighting like rabid raccoons Then, to ht, where Cade was passed out cold

You’d think a largecomfortable in a standard coach seat, but as soon as he’d sat down, Cade closed his eyes and was knocked out Cold I couldn’t keep h to doze My knees hurt, the seatbelt annoyed me, and I swear I could hear every sniffle and sneeze for twenty rows

So, while the loves ofto find out how et drowsy It was justhappily buzzed and ready to nap, ere about to land So, not only was I going to ood chance I was going to be drunk

“Miss, can I take your trash?”

I swiveledfor me to dump my empties in

Are we still allowed to call theer PC? What the hell are they supposed to be terht attendants I don’t knohy everything has to change…

“Darlin’,” Cadeto yourself”

“Huh?” I asked, turning to take in eous mountain of a man

“You’reabout stewardesses, but, babe, they don’t like to be called th

at,” Cade replied, then shifted and closed his eyes again

I blinked sloondering how Cade knew so much about it, then turned my focus on the map in front of me