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"Singing for our band" He didn't even blink
"You're joking, right?" I laughed Askingwas hilarious I'd never taken voice lessons, and as far as I knew, I didn't have any significant talent
"Why would I joke?" He didn't seehter at all
"I just sang in public for the first ti the center of attention for five e in front of people expecting a shoas a different beast
"So that explains your lack of stage presence," Greg said as he ran his fingers over his beard, looking lish professor than rocker
"Quite the charmer, aren't you, G-e presence Hell, I didn't make eye contact
"Stage pre
sence can be learned," he said "You have a great voice and a hot look"
Once I realized he wasn't kidding, I was speechless
Greg continued peeling the label off his beer bottle as he waited for eland, well, e" He chuckled
"Yeah, I don't think so, but thanks for asking" I forced a half smile
"I don't think I could even learn to be coe"
"I can get you over your stage fright" Greg's voice was e-hipster vibe The lights flickering above gave his previously plain eyes a sensuous sparkle as he waited for my answer
Why did I have to be a sucker for sparkles? "Okay, sure" My head bobbed in reluctant consent "The worst that could happen is I fail ht?"
"You rabbing a pen lying on an abandoned credit card receipt Then he flipped over a coaster advertising so "Here's my number Call me next week for an audition"
"This is crazy" I took the coaster from him
"What do you have to lose?" His eyes were solid and intense as he stared at me