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"Shut the fuck up," I mutter at both of them, but secretly I'm pleased I can hear it in their voices They're happy for me

"So this is all top secret, right?" Alex says

I sit down on my bar stool and pick up my beer "Yeah At least until I can decide what to do at the end of the season I'"

"What?" Zack exclai off his stool to co retire, Brick You are playing the best hockey of your life"

"But I can't be with Gray and be on this tea it"

"Wait a minute," Garrett with his eyebrows drawn in confusion "Why can't you be with her and be on this team?"

"It's a conflict," I say automatically "She hired me"

"But not when you tere fucking, right?" Alex says, and I wincecrass words and all "I ht?"

"Yeah, but she's my boss," I point out

"But she's not your coach She doesn't decide if you play or not Theyour contract when the ti at this moment that's a conflict," Garrett points out

And I have to adood point

As of thison my play with the Cold Fury In fact, I've watched her repetitively be very "hands off" when it co staff, showing she has the confidence to delegate and faith in thereat leader

"But eventually she will have to becootiations," Alex points out resolutely "People will say that she can't be fair It will cause dissension in the front office and through the team"

"Exactly," I say gluet traded to another tea of us just yet"

"And if you get traded," Zack says, "then you're dealing with a long-distance relationship"

I tilt my bottle of beer back, drain it, and set it on the bar "Christ, this sucks Love shouldn't have to be this hard"

Garrett starts laughing, almost hysterically, and I turn to look at him with one eyebrow cocked "What's so funny about that?"

He snickers and then gives me a

n apologetic grin "Actually, man, if it's real loveit's supposed to be hard, in s are reater and the rewards surpass anything you could hope for You think shit like that comes easy?"

"True enough," Alex says "We've each had our obstacles to get by and not one of us would have kept at if we didn't love our women Love drives you past the hard shit"

"I think you guys have taken one too ht Shit with Hensley got really hard and what did we both do? We cut and ran Both of us She ran to another guy and I ran to a new life down here in Raleigh

But the thought of cutting Gray loose? Of possibly having to choose her or uess I see why it's so hard

"What do you love more, man?" Zack asks quietly "Hockey or Gray? And if it's hockey, that's cool, dude You know, you and Gray have only been together a few months You've had hockey your whole life"

I don't even have to think about an answer It cout I' correctly I know in the ht choice I've had oals I could possibly want to achieve in this career But Gray is a once-in-a-lifetime woman There's no way I could ever pass her by to chase a few more years in the net

No fucking way

"I can see our boy has made his decision," Garrett says as he holds his beer up in salute

I blink in surprise at him

"Dude, it's all over your sappy face I expect we'll be hearing a retirement announcement soon," he says with confidence

"Brick," Zack says, and clasps me by the shoulder "I don't want this team to lose you, but I have to sayit's what I'd do if I was in your skates"

"Thanks, buddy," I say, feeling a little choked up It feels like I'oodbyes

"Let's have a toast," Alex as he raises his beer

"Hold up," I say waving the bartender over "I need another beer"

When we all have our drinks in hand, Alex stands up and looks at me "You've been an inspiration to this team, Ryker I may be the captain, but your veteran experience and wisdoether last month I have no clue where we're headed in the playoffs--"

"We're going all the fucking way, baby," Garrett chimes in