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It's exactly how I felt just before the puck dropped in ame
Crazy, right?
I push the doorbell, hear footsteps frolass panes, and then Kate is opening the door She gives arlic hit me full on
"Gray," she says as she steps back and welcolad to have you here"
I s hard, feeling very aard about finally being around so because I have no clue how Zack and Kate feel about this Ryker said they were supportive, but what do I know? They're not my friends but his, so I have no choice but to roll with it
"Thanks for having me," I say as I hand over a bottle of wine "I picked this up on the way here It's a red but I wasn't sure what you were having for dinner"
Kate takes the bottle and surprises ood, right?"
I laugh as she pulls away, feeling slightly better "All wine is definitely good"
Kate turns and heads through the living roo in the kitchen My pulse is thu closer to the source of its excitement
"The kids are upstairs playing," Kate says as we enter the kitchen, and then says to the guys, "Look who I found dawdling on the front porch"
Zack givesas Kate's and ood manners and says, "Welcome, Miss Brannon"
"Gray," I say auto me Your home is beautiful"
Zack shrugs his shoulders, and thenat me as if I was the last ray of sunshine before a dark storers toward me
He surprises the shit out of me when slides his hand around my neck and pulls me to him for a kiss My first inclination is to push hi his kids, but giving any signs of PDA It's been so ingrained in ue hits mine, I'm lost
So I kiss hi
When he pulls away, I'm left dazed and confused He kissesto try steal a kiss when the girls weren't around"
All I can do is nod as he chuckles and releases h and turns to the oven where she pulls out soarlic bread
"Want some wine?" Ryker asks
"Sure" I knoill ease my nerves
While Ryker busies himself with my wine, an aard silence fills the roo and checks a red sauce in another pot Zack stares at me and I stare at Ryker I can faintly hear the kids upstairs
"Am I the only one that finds this a little weird?" Zack finally asks
Kate turns her head over her shoulder "What's weird?"
"That our boss, Gray Brannon, is standing in our kitchen Having a secret affair with our buddy Ryker," he tells his fiancee, then turns to look at me "Because I have to say, I'm a little intimidated"
I steal a glance at Ryker, who is struggling not to laugh
"Well, I' her hands on a towel "Gray's just a person like us Right, Gray?"
"Right," I agree confidently "Just a person Tonight just a friend"
"And secret lover," Ryker tacks on probably just to embarrass both Zack and me
My cheeks do burn a little over that, but I tell Zack, "I swear I don't bite, nor will I discuss business I just want to hang out with so to front for us so Ryker and I can feel a bit nore"
Zack's eyes ih"
"You have no idea," I tell hilass of wine "But you don't get to choose who you fall for"
He shs "You know, Ryker toldthat day we busted you two over at his house"
"Well, let's just forget all about the outside world and have a nice evening," Kate says as she turns off the burners under the pasta and sauce "Rykerwant to go get the kids?"