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Anissa was stung What had just happened? What had she said? She stared down at the cards in her hand One was a credit card, the other the entrance key to the penthouse
Someone jostled her from behind and she almost dropped them ‘Get a dress,’ he’d said Did he really think she would just go and spend his money?
She wanted to run after hi—what on earth she’d said
But so told her he needed tiot to the botto in Leo Baxter’s life
She moved away from the ice rink The joy and excitement she’d experienced earlier deflated—just as if someone had pricked her with a pin
Her feet carried her back to the bakery She stared at the card in her hand There was a tiny flare of anger He had no idea what kind of person she was She glanced at the designer store across the road She’d never been a fan, but she could go in there and co, shoes, jeans and coat that would easily total around ten thousand dollars
For a few seconds she actually conte down at her worn black boots There was a mannequin in thedressed in crea But what use would a creaet it dirty within the first five minutes
She sighed and joined the queue in the bakery again, ordering twenty-four cupcakes to be delivered to the penthouse Her hand wavered as she gave the server Leo’s card, wondering if she should just pay for them herself
But the serverup the variety of cupcakes in a cardboard box
Anissa started walking slowly back down the streets Maybe she should take a chance and call Jules, even though she didn’t really know her Her hand fu a scrap of paper as she tucked the cards inside She stopped and pulled it out
The contact details Chloe had given her for her cousin She sed and looked around She didn’t want to go back to the penthouse yet—not if Leo was there And she didn’t really want to wander around alone Maybe Chloe’s cousin could tell her soo for a few hours—somewhere safe, and hopefully war
One hour and one subway ride later, Anissa was on her second bottle of beer with Chloe’s cousin, Jules
Jules had been happy to hear from Anissa and invited her to join her and her friends in a local bar Jules was dressed in a variety of black clothing with her thick dark hair swept over to one side Her fingers picked at the foil around the neck of the bottle of beer ‘So you’re telling ave you his credit card, told you to spend, and you didn’t do it?’
Jules was looking at Anissa as if she were entirely crazy
‘I bought cupcakes’ She shrugged
Jules shook her head ‘Cupcakes’ She reached across the table and grabbed Anissa’s hand ‘Girl, you’re in New York You could have bought just about anything! A pair of Louboutins A Louis Vuitton bag And you bought cupcakes?’
Anissa sighed and leaned her head on one hand
‘Your guy sounds like a bit of a tool,’ remarked Jules
‘He’s not uy’
‘Then what is he?’
Anissa shifted uncomfortably on her bar stool She wasn’t quite sure what to call Leo ‘He’s justjusta friend’
Jules eyebrows shot up ‘A friend? But not your guy’ She counted off on one hand ‘So, he flies you to New York in his private jet, installs you in his penthouse with no strings Takes you sightseeing and ice skating Invites you to some party Kisses you at the top of the Rockefeller Center, then abandons you at the ice rink and stomps off in a huff somewhere’
Anissa rolled her eyes ‘When you put it like that’ She sighed ‘And it’s not a party It’s a ball He told me to buy a dress’
Jules sat a little straighter on her stool ‘Ball? What ball?’
Anissa waved her hand ‘I don’t know Some Christmas charity ball It’s in that famous hotel on Fifth Avenue, next to Central Park’
Jules’s chin almost bounced off the bar ‘Wh-what?’