page52 (1/2)
Standing there, looking fresher than the pure fallen snow on the winter ground, was Lydia She wore a green dress that hugged her curves, and a pair of boots that hit right below the knee Her strawberry blonde hair was down, falling in soft waves around her face She looked absolutely gorgeous
And he was going to break her heart
When she saw hio?”
“It…” He tightened his hand on his phone, words failing him For once, it wasn’t because of his fucked up brain It was because he had no idea how to tell her he didn’t want to be with her, when he really fucking did “It…it didn’t go”
“What?” She blinked, the s away slowly “What do you mean?”
He sed hard “I changed my mind We’re—”
“It’s about darabbed Lydia’s wrist, and hauled her out of the elevator “You were s
upposed to be here ten o”
Lydia didn’t answer him Instead, she stared at Holt, who couldn’t look at her But he could feel her eyes on hied, and he flinched
It would be the e he’d sent seconds before the doors opened
She fought Steven’s hold, stopping right next to Holt “What’s—?”
“Well, I’ll leave you two to it,” Holt said at the same time
“Thanks, man,” Steven said
Lydia blinked “What’s going on here? Holt?”
“Why do you keep asking hi up your life for so her toward his office, but she didn’t budge Instead, she glanced down at her phone…andand come on”