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page50 (1/2)

“Can’t you stay?” she asked, leaning up on an elbow “You don’t have to leave…”

“I-I have work to do,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck “But we’ll talk tomorrow after…you know Okay?”

She bit her lip and nodded For soood…instead of for tonight “Okay”

“Don’t look so sad” Leaning down, he pressed a fleeting kiss to her lips “After tomorrow, the hard part will be over Steven will know, and I’ll be free to…well, shit I don’t know Walk with you in the streets Whatever people do when they announce they’re a couple”

Her lips twitched “The sairlfriends”

“Nothing else scared you away, but this ht You see…I’ve never really had one before,” he adure out what that all means after I tell Steven”

She blinked at hiirlfriend before? Like…ever?”

“Ever I told you that you had no idea what you were getting yourself into,” heat her “Still want me to tell Steven?”

Sing hard, she nodded “Of course But can I ask one more question?”


“Why haven’t you had a girlfriend?”

“As a kid, I was kind of nerdy” He rolled his eyes “As if you didn’t guess as eeky”

She smiled “Okay And as an adult?”

“Well, I never azed at her “Not until you”

Her heart skipped a few beats “Oh”