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Rodrigo answered with a gravelly and very curious, “Hello, Tori?”

“Hello I have a request from awith this clan I can vouch for her, sir She’s a sweet person and a knowledgeable o with your clan for a while, visit, and get a feel for it Is that alright?”

Rodrigo audibly perked up, like a dog with a possible new bone in sight “Yes, we’d be pleased to have her Where is she? I can come fetch her”

Very eager Tori sed a laugh “I’ her now, as I’m close Baldewin, that little white house on the hill Yes, that one We’ll be back in about an hour Can you tell everyone that?”

“Of course This e, what is her name?”


“I’ll welcome her Assure her of this”

“I will See you soon” Tori hung up, as they were in the driveway now He wasn’t sure hoise it was for hio and knock on the door

It turned out to be aslung over one shoulder, a very large purse in the other hand She ran for the car like an escaped convict, opening the back and throwing herself in with the bags “Hi Go, go, go!”

Baldewin i on his face “I feel like I’etaway car”

“You are, and bless you for it” Sofi had thrown her light blonde hair up into aone shoulder She looked as if she’d dressed for both style and cohts tucked into boots Her head came up as she took in the two of them, her smile incandescent and mischievous “Wow, Tori, you look ons does for you?”

“Basically,” he acknowledged, his cheeks heating a bit “Dragons are notoriously bad about spoiling people”

“I accept the blame for this habit,” Baldewin deadpanned “You make it hard, my heart It’s fun to spoil you”

Tori shot him a dry look “Uh-huh Baldewin, this is Sofi Sofi, my fiancé, Baldewin”

“Pleasure, Sofi”

“Oh, the pleasure is definitely et me”