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Baldewin pulled Tori back into his arms while they watched Tanja and Panu climb into the third row of seats in the SUV “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather fly with me?”
“I wish I could” Tori tilted his head back against Baldewin’s chest so he could look up at hinificent”
Baldewin groaned “That’s it Now he’s preening”
“He deserves to preen He is gorgeous The loveliest dragon I’ve ever seen”
There was a low ru Baldewin’s dragon was very happy indeed
“I’ to hear the end of this”
“I can’t fly with you—at least not while awake—but we can go up into the ether”
Baldewin bent and captured his lips in a slow kiss, see reluctant to end it “That is a date”
Tori stepped away from Baldewin, and his stomach did a happy little flip as Baldewin shifted into a on with deep, rosewood red scales and enoron winked at hiht not be co in awe of the dragon
He jumped into the SUV, and they took off at a hed deeply as he sank low in his seat Evora was also sluht have used a great deal of power from Baldewin, but he was still drained fro sohe wanted was a nap—not that he was going to get that any tie
“Tori? Tori?” Tanja said in a lohisper
Tori blinked his eyes open, not even realizing he’d closed the utterly confused and maybe even a little scared
“The dragons…where did the dragons come from?”
The angry, hurt part of Tori wanted to turn his back on the to him, they were still part of a clan that had hated and tormented him his entire life