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“Hey,” Tori said gently before touching his chin “This isn’t an ‘I don’t want to see you again’ talk”
Baldewin’s head ju into his throat “Really?”
“Of course not How could I ever live without you? But this is a boundaries talk”
“Okay” Baldewin nodded, grateful Tori wasn’t kicking him to the curb for his stupid loss of temper
“I get that you want to protect me You have no idea how much that means to me when there has been no one in my life to watch my back The fact that you stand up forIt takes my breath away”
Baldewin leaned in and pressed the lightest kiss to Tori’s lips “You areI will protect and defend you until my final breath”
Tori h and then shook his head “I know, but you have to remember I can also defend myself Assholes like Verner, it’s tiiven me the confidence to stand up for myself I want the chance to do that before you rain fire down on their heads and eat them for dinner”
Baldewin lowered his gaze and nodded He was proud of Tori for wanting to take a stand but felt horrible for nearly sto all over his new sense of self-confidence and pride “I understand I aest person I’ve ever met I know you don’t need me to defend you I lost my temper”
Tori leaned in and pressed a kiss to the tip of Baldewin’s nose “I am honored that you wanted to defend me, and I will always need you in a hundred different ways Plus, I really love the idea that if I ever get in over my head, you will always have my back”
He dared toat his lips “I will always have your back”
“Good Now coer door