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Baldeas not oblivious to the amount of trust Tori displayed to allow this As , he trusted Baldewin coon a deep, s satisfaction to see that trust so openly displayed

It was a long flight, done high above the earth, and it felt good to stretch his wings again It felt even better to do so surrounded by a thunder of dragons, both fire and ice dragons alike—and one wind dragon, of course, as Ravi came with them They had not flown like this in centuries, and Baldewin felt nostalgic for tione by

The only other thing that tugged at Baldewin’s heart was that he was not the one carrying Alric Since his friend’s injury during the war, Alric had lost the ability to fly in his dragon form When necessary, Alric had always ridden on Baldewin’s back While Baldeas powerful enough to handle both Alric and Tori, they’d both agreed it was better if Baldeas focused only on Tori during the flight

For this trip, Alric had elected to ride with Gunter, while Caon had proht like to stir up trouble, he would never knowingly do anything to put Caer

Cassie, clever woeården, which was technically in Norway, but it was the closest town to Nuorga in the clan’s territory She had soled three SUVs, as well, to carry all twelve of them to the Taavi Clan Her skills with a coic all by itself

They checked into the hotel and stashed their luggage, since none of theht Or anytime soon, really

Baldewin carried Tori into the second SUV, which held Thiago and Evora in the front seat Both kings, Cauards were in another The third SUV, bringing up the rear, held Gunter, Ravi, and Rodrigo’s third bodyguard

Baldewin kept Tori snugly against his side as they started off, the vibration of the engine clearly felt as Thiago started it up The roads were a trifle rough—no doubt because the paveion—and the bu spell he’d been under

He caainst Baldewin’s chest, his hand traveling upwards for a ainst the top of his shoulder

Turning his head, he kissed the bridge of Tori’s nose, loving how adorable he was “Are you awake?”

“H properly up to take a look about The apprehension flashed across his face like an inconized his location “We’re nearly there”