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“An anti-spell,” Evora htfully “It’s true A spell that powerful, it must have been an anti-spell I think none of us really sat and considered it at the tiether But I can’t think of how else he was able to do it”

“We’ve had tireed with an unhappy frown “The man abruptly died in the middle of the war, and I’ll bet you that was the reason The anti-spell blew up in his face, killing hi all of his clan members”

“And now they are, what? Exacting revenge?” Rodrigo put his cup on the table before sitting back, staring hard at the floor in thought “Or trying to reclaim what they’ve lost?”

“Possibly both” Alric didn’t look any happier, and his eyes kept darting to Cauess why Every time Cameron left the security of the castle, he ran the risk of being kidnapped again

Caentle “Chill, love I’ the castle today”

“It’s all your future days that concern hed

Rodrigo cleared his throat and looked at theo hion He re with Alric’s father He’d been a young king at the time but still had at least a century on Alric And all that time, he’d lived without his mate

“I speak for all dragons, I think, when I say this We cannot abide having any er, no uard thei seem to be more active here in Europe We certainly haven’t seen much of them in Brazil If you wish to send so, ill host them with open hearts”

Baldewin sensed that Alric almost automatically refused that offer His ht better of it and closed his ain, sadness etched deep lines around his eyes “We o”

“If nothing else, so between both kings “My grando to Brazil for a while She enjoys travel And she’s hinted she wants to ons a few times”

Alric snorted in ao, I think we should encourage her to go with you when you return hoon mate, but she’s not made a connection with any of ive her a chance to flirt with your clan members”

Rodrigo’s brows lifted, intrigued “Is that right? I’ll meet with her and ask, then”

It physically hurt to bite his tongue, but BaldewinHa Na was a handful, he knew this painfully well, and foisting her off on the ice dragons without saying anything was not nice But then, what he’d seen of Rodrigo so far left hiood match for Ha Na

“An exchange ofsoo in seconds “In fact, there’s so I want to learn from you Your clan, I understand, still kno to do the incubator spells”

Rodrigo didn’t look surprised by this change in topic “I thought youyou now have several same-sex couples in this clan We would also like to use the spells, but sadly we do not have enough es to operate it”

“It takes a dozen es to operate one incubator,” Evora explained There was pain in her expression, darkening her brown eyes “We have only eight It’s too taxing on us to try and keep it operational for nine h we tried several times”

“And collapsed every ti it a squeeze His expression was full of pain and worry, leading Baldewin to believe that they were in fact o and Evora had been very foron cracked when it came to concern for their mate

“We will be glad to share the spell with you,” Rodrigo said, and then wagged a playful finger at Alric “But help us, too We desire children”

Alric’s ansas quick and sincere “Of course We’ll take turns helping each other”

“Alric and I have already talked about this,” Cameron tacked on with a smile “We’re a bit too new to have children just yet Maybe in a year or te’re o first?”