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Ha Na soundly ignored her, still hugging Tori with one arht?”
“Done,” he said and meant it , but he wished she actually rand herself to look at him
“It’s a wonder we got done, considering how ed shampoo bottles and poked Tori in the shoulder with a pen “Come back here, you I’m not done with you yet”
Tori flashed her a s the task that sent hi the labels from the printer
Cassie had taken over setting up the labels and such to print, as she could do that from her laptop and not move from the chair But the printer was not near her, instead perched close to the ingredients table, leaving someone else to fetch them from the tray Tori picked up the stack and returned to Melissande to help her put on the many, many labels
It was quite the array of things they’dShampoos, lotions, hair tonics, facial cleansers for acne
One of the products, he’d helped tweak—thebark topical salve It would be far more effective for sore muscles than before
Lisettethose lines for Alric, but ic in a way they didn’t dare sell openly on thewas suffering from some old injury The way he acted, it wasn’t at all obvious
They were done brewing for the day, the bottles lined up neatly Everyone was a little tired fro for so many hours but satisfied, too, with a job well done Tori wanted to sit for tenfinished, he chose to push through it instead
Cassie had printed out a stack of invoices, and their job noas to get the labels on the right jars Apparently, the dragons took it fro and handling It was a fair division of labor, and another sign that this clan really kne to support each other
Tori looked around the roo in here for seven hours Eightthe work
Nine, including him, and they had very much included him Welcomed him with open ar there If this was any indication of what the clan was like as a whole—and Tori bet it was—then it was an a place to be
How had Tori ever feared these people? How had he ever thought of the to be one of them
“I’m really excited about the new lip balhts She joined the sticker asse the shampoo bottles “I think it will sell really well”
Tori shot the e with pale blond hair a shy s he’d ainst the bitter cold of Finland It healed chapped lips quite well and required little in the way of lad you illing to try it”
She nudged him with an elbow, a playful expression on her face “It’s obvious you know your craft Why wouldn’t we? And really, sometimes we’re stumped for ideas of what to create next You can’t offer the saoes stale on you”
“That’s very true,” Lisette agreed, picking up the temporary containers for the lip balm New containers needed to be ordered for the new product before it could be packaged and shipped “With Tori’s help, we’ll be able to take on es”
“Ooh, that’s a great idea,” Cassie enthused “Custoes are the bomb! Everyone likes those”
Elissa showed up with a wooden crate and loaded in the products already labeled, her e with the wide brown eyes did was done efficiently Tori had figured that out over the course of the day “You’re all assu that Tori wants to stay with us”
He sed hard, theable to do ic freely and have it as his everyday occupation was a fantasy he’d never entertained because it was too painful Just today had felt surreal But if they were seriously talking of hily head, and he really didn’t want to know But he had to “Is that my choice?”