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“Dearest!” Dieter gasped, dropping his hand to stare across the table at his mate
Lisette folded her araze on Dieter “Don’t you give me any ‘dearest’ They’ve made their bed Let them lie in it”
“While they certainly haven’t given us any reason to protect them,” Gunter started slowly, “it does see a lot of poor decisions based on bad inforive thee Their current opinion certainly isn’t endearing, but we are still left with oneto willingly walk away fro to them?”
“There is also the ical batteries if they do discover the Taavi Clan,” Baldewin added “While I have no love of the Taavi, I don’t want to give the Jaeggi ical power”
“Gunter and Baldewin are correct,” Alric said firi, and the discriht not be indicative the entire clan In addition, they e with a little education We need to at least try to speak to them Make them aware of what truly happened in the war and the state of affairs now”
“You’re going to need Tori for that,” Cameron interjected “At least talk to hie frowned and shook his head “I’d hate for him to need to return after he escaped what sounds like a hellish life”
“Yes, we’ll schedule another et his input I would prefer hi, but in no ould he be forced to return to his clan if he didn’t want to go The h I wouldn’t dare subject hi even for one hour if he didn’t want to”
“Thank you, Hoheit,” Baldewin said, so to ease If Baldewin had his way, Tori wouldn’t set foot anywhere near his old clan ever again His preference was for Tori to stay in the castle for a long tii problem was taken care of
“Very good Baldewin and Ravi, please see that an official dispatch goes out to our entire clan explaining the increased restrictions on dragons leaving the castle alone Mages ons outside the castle walls I will reach out to Tori and set up a time to discuss how best to approach his clan,” Alric said, closing the
Baldewin nodded, anxious to find Tori and check on hiht of Lisette and hoas adjusting to the castle If he was spending time with Ha Na, there was no doubt in his es by now
“Don’t forget about the other thing,” Cameron loudly whispered to his mate
“The other thing?” Alric’s brows met over his nose for a ” Their king smiled a bit stiffly as he turned his attention to the other council athered around the table “I do have soo is on his way to Germany with at least five of his retainers”
The room exploded in noise from Gunter, Ravi, Dieter, and even Lisette Baldewin could only sit with his mouth open as he looked at his childhood friend A devilish smirk tilted up one corner of Alric’s aze When they were young, Alric had loved to shock people and catch theet to do too often now Oddly, Baldewin found it reassuring to see this little hint of the old Alric still causing mischief
“How long have you known?” Dieter denation The old advisor had clearly been sure there was nothing happening in Alric’s life that he didn’t know about
“Rodrigo boldly announced he was co to Burkhard about twenty on deflated a little
“I’ across the table at Gunter
“First off, no member of the Ice Clan has been in Fire Clan territory since the war, and that was o,” Gunter said “Second, it is always a bit dangerous for any king to co been territorial, which is part of the reason the Ice Clan is on the other side of the world With so ons fro across each other by accident while stretching their wings”