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Baldewin smirked back at him “Cassie does like to be the center of attention, but I don’t think she would approve of this I get the i to be frustrated that she can’t be the one to introduce you to everyone”

“I’ain” Tori’s eyes strayed from him to Sasha as she carefully lifted Cassie into her powerful arms and carried her to the front of the plane They’d stopped rolling at last, and Warin orking on getting the door open

Sucking in a deep breath, Tori leaned toward theto look out A strange, strangled noise left hiain quickly Baldewin shifted in his seat to look out theand nearly chuckled at the sight More than a dozen people were standing just beyond the plane waiting for thelad to see was Ravi If Cassie couldn’t be awake to help s over for Tori, then Ravi was an excellent second choice He would do a great job of taking Tori’s

“Don’t worry tooyou to the castle and settled We’ll worry about the rest later”

Tori flashed him a weak smile “Thanks It would be nice to just relax for a little while Though, I’ Alric and the others would like the full details of e know”

“We’ll get there We’ve got some time now that we’re home”

The ser at the e would soon start thinking of the Burkhard Clan as his ho these people

Baldewin reached over and gave Tori’s shoulder a quick squeeze before cli to his feet The door had been opened and the steps lowered He reached theently lifting Cassie out of Sasha’s arht there, lines of worry digging deep in their faces It could have been a trick of the lighting, but it did look as if there was a little ood hands with Cameron

As he reached the tar down the stairs behind him

“I can’t believe I freaking flew here,” he muttered under his breath

Baldewin threw a grin at him over his shoulder He couldn’t possibly be prouder of the man He’d put his own fears aside to do as best for everyone Tori was going to be the perfect addition to the clan