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Warin nodded and drew out his phone, no doubt updating someone on the situation Alric or Cameron, possibly both He stood so he had his back to the as a perimeter defense

Sasha was back, running for hi out four vials As he did so, he cautioned Sasha, “Don’t kiss her, don’t breathe near heras powerful as dragon’s breath right now Open her shirt for me I need access to her chest”

She was good at following orders, even with the worry pouring off her in visible waves

Tori undid the lids on the glass bottles, opening nectar of honeysuckle, stillness of ht, untouched snowflake, and , cold eleood mixture of water, wind, and earth eleood half of each bottle on her chest, right between her s theev adi”

Cassie sucked in a deep, shuddering breath, then released it in clear relief

Tori took the mixture of elements and rubbed them from her sternu effect spread through her syste her as best he could, but she seemed to be past the worst of it now His spellas reversing the worst of the dah she’d likely sleep for the next few hours recovering from this God, just the idea of how painful that had been sent a syh his body

The hotel employee came back, her hands full of a thick comforter and two pillows Sasha quickly helped her with both, taking the pillows and sliding theently under Cassie’s head Baldewin helped settle the blanket over her, and Tori drew it up to her chin “Thank you, ma’am Sasha, I think I have her over the worst of it Here, take the water bottle, get ht now”

Sasha nodded, taking the bottle and tipping it carefully into Cassie’s mouth

The front lobby doors opened, and four cops spilled inside, their hands already on their weapons When they didn’t see a firefight in progress, they stopped and milled around in confusion

“Of course soht I’ll deal with them”

Better hio away

But then, his nerves were still strung out after diving into awith a patient when he only theoretically knehat to do Yeah Baldeas the better choice “Baldewin? Pretty obvious it was aon here Just FYI”

Baldewin groaned, shoulders sluto Tori