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Sasha reached across and placed her hand on Baldewin’s knee, sently at him “Then you move at his pace Let him know you are interested, but tell him you’re happy to on You’ve got centuries ahead of you”

“And keep kissing hi part”

That was probably a safe bet, but then Baldewin also really liked the kissing part He was happy to try other physical parts as well The man was like candy, and Baldeanted to lick every inch of hi noises when he was licked?

And now Baldeas interested in discovering that fun little tidbit about the man

He looked over at Warin, as engrossed in finding sos to eat

“How are you hungry?” Sasha demanded

“What?” Warin asked, eyes wide and innocent “We didn’t have dessert I thought I could order us so sweet from room service”

After years of traveling with thestomach

“You don’tto pull theinal conversation

Warin’s head snapped over to Baldewin, and his brow furrowed for a rin “Of course I don’t en I, naturally, want one of e your happiness” He paused and shrugged “We are finding es at a much faster rate now Mine will likely turn up any day now”

There was a burst of ons stared at the closed door before Warin spoke again

“Besides, you should worry that your potentialquite fareat friends with Ravi”