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He pulled back, trying not to feel aard or blush He largely failed at both Shaking fingers fumbled with the key for a moment as a heady h him Then he carefully shut the door and walked around the car to slide into the driver’s seat, starting up the car

The engine was running before he put his hand on the dash and cast another ward over the body of the car This tiiven instead of using ev adi”

The ward slid into place, a light golden glow that confor as the other ward, just as able to deflect attack Tori marveled at it for a split second, unable to co an elee ancestors were so eager to partner up with dragons?

He shook the thought off, backing up and out of the space He had no idea where to go, but he needed to get theun ai threatening at him, but it didn’t faze Tori

With a whispered word, the protective dorin stretched froas, and the car leapt forward, forcing them to juood enough reflexes to get out of the way Tori wouldn’t haveattempt

He exited the parking lot with a touchtraffic and heading aithout any real destination Driving was all fine and well, but he couldn’t just drive And with two heavily drugged dragons down for the count, it was up to hiroaning and shifting, so obviously the tranquilizer earing off quickly, but still They weren’t fighting fit and likely wouldn’t be for a while

Shit Tori really hated thisalready

For the next fewsoi

Baldewin groaned softly as he tried to get into a s hurt Many,it all worse, starting with his headache, as the creature raged inside of hi to be set free so it could destroy any and all Jaeggi who dared to come near Tori

Not that Tori had needed his help or his dragon’s The i He should have been thrilled about their kisses, but they didn’t count Baldewin had felt only the faintest brush of Tori’s lips, just enough to leave behind the sweetest tingle

And then the e had saved their lives when it should have been hi him safe

“Baldewin? Baldewin, are you alright?” Tori dehts