page15 (1/1)

Turned out that other parts of hile to myself

Once the kitchen is clean, I head to the bedroole into ain I think about what it'll be like to be , but I'm fine with that He's quiet, too, but I hope he opens up ht I learned a lot about hi about him

The endless days on Risda III are suddenly full of promise

The next e breakfast, hu, so I etables The quiche itself is the size of a da Rektar's appetite, I think it'll be just enough After all, I ht and there were no leftovers If I et a few of the avians that are the Risda equivalent of chickens and double rocery supplies

I sht, I' a relationship with Rektar is back on the table It's clear he likesmy panties to jerk off And he let ust

So yeah, things aren't great right now, but at least that situation is looking up

I see Rektar heading out of the barn, his clothing perfect and buttoned all the way up, every short hair in place atop his head He doesn't look as if he slept in a barn last night, nor does he look like the man who had his pants around his knees while I jerked him off He looks so very coined it all But then he glances towardhis ear

Nope, it happened

Fighting back the squeal of glee rising in my throat, I race to my room and splash some perfume on my pulse points My old master told uise

He knocks onto co dress today, cinched under the breasts to give ure the ulti I don't dare wear into town, but it's perfect for this situation With a s"

Rektar's gaze ie I' He flushes deeper and his tail lashes back and forth "I need to go into town" His words are abrupt "As soon as possible"

That…wasn't the response I wanted to hear "Good htly, and turn away fro to the kitchen "You can come eat first Then I'll take you into town"

It's silent, and for a depressingto turn around and see hi to coht I pull the quiche out of the warmer, determined not to show my disappointment, but when I turn around, Rektar is seated at the table

Relief—and pleasure—blossoain I set down the quiche with a flourish, s "Eat up"

"You don't have to keep feeding aze averted "My ration bars are sufficient"

"Sufficient isn't the same as enjoyable," I counter, and when he stares at the quiche but doesn't pick up the spoon, I reach over the table and dish out a portion for hi ain The ood sign "If you're stationed on a farood, farm-fresh food, then what's the point?"

I set the plate in front of his in without another word of protest and then closes his eyes as he takes a bite He ss and then looks over at ain, staring at his plate "I am honored"

"It's just breakfast," I say, but the way he's acting is strange It's like he doesn't want to look at e is too much? I take a few bites of food ht he'd be less shy, but this o back into town so quickly? Does he regret what happened?