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Chapter 1


So an unconscious woman in his arms Not so if that man is me I’m a criminal, the most wanted man on the continent, and this time I stole myself not money or jewels but a woman

My woman

I knew she was made for me from the oing down I told her so in no uncertain terms when I claimed and marked her even as I prepared to leave her, because a man like me is forever on the run

Then I went back forafter her cost ot myself shot and left DNA behind The police have photos of us They know my identity They no doubt scared her shitless when they took her in for questioning, but I told her I was co for her I’ll never throw her to the wolves Yet she outs her to meet me at the airport, stole his bike, and tried to run from me

It’s not going to happen I thought I could let her go, but when I stood in front of the door of the hotel roo, I could only do as always destined to happen I could only steal more, not simply a few more hours of her time but her life

I’ her home with me

The pilot is waiting and the plane ready for takeoff e arrive at the Wonderboom Airport outside Pretoria Cas passed out sooner than I hoped, but it’s already dark outside, and there’s no one around to see me carry her unconscious form to the plane

It’s the drug I gave her after she fought me like a lioness

Walter, the guy I paid to keep an eye on her, leaves after dropping us off with my promise that payment will be in his bank account in twenty-four hours He knows I’ood for my word It’s not the first time we do business

“She okay?” the pilot asks, shooting a worried glance over his shoulder as I secure Cas’s safety belt

“She will be”

The look I cut hi business, and he turns away quickly