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Worthy sentiments were soon surpassed by a flash of triued to him now Jess didn’t know the extent of his deal with her father Jim Slatehome had asked that they keep it between theht the far on it ‘She can be difficult, our Jess,’ her father had explained ‘She’s had a tough tiht ti I don’t want her upset after all she’s done’

Triuside him at the fence ‘This is our best horse Her name is Moon,’ she informed him

‘You handle her well’

She sh praise indeed’

‘I mean it’

This was possibly the first relaxed conversation they’d had, and it allowed hi Jess, he had to form a connection with a woman who could be useful to him There were always vacancies for top-class riders in one of his teaed

‘I just did’

‘Please,’ he coaxed, dialling up the charm

‘As it’s you’ But she was s

He leaned on a fencepost as Jess put the proh her paces The pony could be difficult and liked to show off Sensing he atching her, Moon kicked out her back legs and bucked Jess rehout

‘Good job,’ he said when she returned to his side

‘I love the challenge of a spirited pony,’ she enthused as she reined in

‘I love a challenge full stop’

She blushed

‘You’ve got a good seat’ She had a great seat It would fit his hands perfectly ‘Do you play?’

‘I take it you’re referring to polo?’

‘What else?’ he asked, throwing her a surprised look

‘I used to play,’ she admitted, ‘but I’m usually too tired by the end of each day, so I read instead, play the piano, or crash out in front of a soap’

‘Everyone needs fresh air You should get out more’

‘Says you?’ she jibed

Hue that Dante Acosta had been housebound since discharging himself from hospital, and that this was his first appearance in public ‘Don’tthe invitation to come here today’

Jess had the good sense to say nothing She didn’t need to Her eyes spoke eloquently, telling him, I’m not sure yet what’s in it for you, but you would have left by now if the ansas nothing

‘What are you doing?’ she asked as he opened the gate to join her in the paddock

‘I want to see Moon close up for myself’

‘Take care; she bites’

‘You or the horse?’

‘She won’t like your cane’

‘Then room?’

‘A groom?’ Jess intoned ‘Where do you think you are? This is a working farround’

His hackles lifted ‘I live on a working ranch My business life and home life are very different Do you want me to trial her or not?’

‘You already own her’

‘I do’

‘Then she’s all yours,’ Jess said with a shrug, but as she turned he saw that accepting the inevitable wasn’t easy for Jess She loved these aniain

‘Be careful,’ she said as he vaulted into the saddle using only the strength of his arms ‘Moon can be tricky’

‘You care?’ he asked as he soothed the horse

‘I care about Moon,’ she told him

‘Hey, querida, let’s see what you can do,’ he whispered, adding soothing words in Spanish The pony’s flattened ears pricked up at the sound of his warh each swerve and bounce jangled his das

‘A good enough reason to accept treatested as he ht on his one good leg