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He wasn’t positive how to handle this novel situation Did he argue? Let her have her way? Try to reach a compromise?
The bottoation to Jada like she wanted? He was no follower He was the coht as well try to break the habit of breathing as try to stop leading
A thought tapped for attention at the back of his brain Jada said she had her own suspects her own ideas about as behind the fake e licenses This meant she wasn’t totally on board with Ian’s own conviction that everything had been orchestrated by CGTV
Since that was the case, it wouldn’t be hard to step back and let Jada follow the trail of evidence all the way to its end, where she would discover that she rong and Ian had been right all along
He turned the idea over in his head, checking all sides toback and let her take the lead as long as he knew exactly where they’d end up And he believed he definitely knew that
He smiled and stood “I accept your conditions So what’s the plan?”
She returned his sht he saw a glimmer of relief pass over her features, which could only mean she didn’t truly want to leave him
“I need to get to Springers Glen as soon as possible to question the clerks in the courthouse records departet better results if I speak to them in person,” Jada said
“Good idea Car or helicopter?”
Jada looked thoughtful “How long will it take the helicopter to get here?”
The game was afoot
Chapter Two
JADA AND IAN MOVED OUT of the bright sunshine and into the dark interior of the historic Springers Glen Courthouse Ancient, scuffed wood floors creaked under their heels as they walked down the narrow hallway It s spray, underscored with the hint of s
Jada knew she looked a fool in her disguise Agatha had loaned her a giant floppy hat, Sasha had let her borrow solasses, and Marina had added a scarf around the top of the hat, tying it under Jada’s chin supposedly to add a classy Dorothy Dandridge touch Ha More like Laura Ingalls Wilder, Jada thought
She reached up to relasses
“No,” Ian said, touching her arm, “leave them on Best to stay covered until we’re there”
She pushed the glasses back up her nose “But they’re so dark, I can’t see”
“Hang onto uide you”
“I don’t know You’re wearing sunglasses, too It’s the blind leading the blind, isn’t it?”
He chuckled softly “So we bounce off a fealls No big thing Point me in the direction of the records office and I’ll try not to get us killed on the way”
“Up ahead on the left, down the stairs It’s in the basement”
“Why are records departments always in the basement?” Ian asked
“No idea In case there’s a tornado so all the paperon’t bloay?”
“Maybe But if there’s a flood, it’ll all get wet”
“Froone,” Jada said
They decided it was best to risk discovery and lift their sunglasses up so they could safely navigate the stairs They survived the journey without mishap and saw no one on the way
“What does this wo us?”
“Late twenties, taller than me Pretty”
“I think I see her but it’s hard to be sure”
“I see a shadowy outline Could be her,” Jada said, squinting through the dark lenses
They found their way down the hall and stopped in front of who Jada could now see was, indeed, the district attorney, Ophelia Wyatt She was dressed in a tailored, navy power suit that con hung on the shutteredto the records department which said the office was closed
Jada introduced Ophelia to Ian and they shook hands
“Thank you for calling htening ”