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One dirty blond brow rose with challenge “Don’t complain later when I take you up on that”

Again, there was a suggestive undertone to her words He forced his gaze away and down at the cake, noting what looked to be caramel drizzle over the top He wanted to drizzle caraue it off slowly Endlessly Licking through it to the sweeter flesh beneath

“Here” She stabbed at the cake with the fork in her hand and lifted a bite to his lips

He opened his ood,” he praised, happy to see her cheeks flush with pleasure “But it’s not better than sex”

Her blue eyes sparkled with silent laughter “Prove it”


The tension that gripped Jack at her bold stateible Rachel felt it She waited with bated breath, her heart skipping at the scorching look he raked her with That sharply focused intensity had been too er

Dear Godhe was gorgeous I there in only button-fly jeans with the top button undone He was leaner than she re care of hi often enough There wasn’t an ounce of extraneous flesh on him Every muscle was clearly, deliciously defined His arms, his pectorals, his abdomen

He could drive a wo to hi at his he wouldn’t do if necessary There were scars all over hi scars across his abdomen, an old burn mark on his forearm, just to name a few

As long as Rachel had known hie, first as a US Arer and now as a deputy marshal Any woman who loved him would have to accept the hazards inherent in the work he did His job would always be his mistress It would pull hi him into deadly situations while the scent of his desire still clung to her skin

Rachel hadn’t believed she could ever take on a row and change Since she and Jack had first e She had persevered through an ectopic pregnancy, the death of herof her own s how to be a single mother

She was no longer the woman who’d been married to Steve Tse She was now the woman who’d survived him, and they were two very different people

The woe like Jack Killigrew And by God, she intended to

He finally spoke “What did you just say?”

Rachel wondered if he knew the ih voice had on wo time for me, Jack”

“Hell” He retreated Shoving his hands through his short dark hair, he turned his back to her “You shouldn’t have drunk that beer”

Lord have mercy The way heof his muscles was totally erotic

She became even more determined to have all that virility focused on her “I don’t need false courage to hit on you”

He glared at her over his shoulder “This isn’t you”

“It’s ed”

Pivoting, he faced her again “I figured you and the Tses would close ranks while you dealt with Steve’s death I stayed out of the way”

Rachel set the plate and fork down on the glass-topped end table “I’ht maybe it was me”

His jaw clenched and she knew she’d struck a cord The confirht it would