page11 (1/2)
"I'm not a prude, you know"
I look at her startled "Excuse me?"
"I' your lifestyle because I have antiquated views about sex"
Well, hell That is exactly what I had thought after I read that article, but I have no clue what to say in response So I ask instead, "Then ere you judging me so harshly?"
She shrugs her shoulders, as if her answer is silly But then she stops walking and looks at me Her eyes are serious "Let's just say I've had some betrayal issues in s like loyalty and commitment I must have seen your actions as some sort of betrayal"
"I don't understand why? I owed you nothing You owed "
Ever throws her hands up in frustration and resu I can fathom is that maybe your invitation to dinner seeet to know less It just rubbed s"
Now things are starting to rab hold of Ever's wrist She stops and looks at me with curiosity
"Did someone cheat on you?" I ask
Her face goes even paler than normal and her irises eyes actually darken a bit I haveher to say it But she provides it to me anyway
"Yes My ex-fiance," she says quietly
I curse underthe co her fiance off
"Do you want to talk about it?" I rub the inside of her wrist as I ask, trying to sooth her
Ever glances down to e around her tiny wrist and htly and I release her
"There's nothing to talk about," she says as she resu "It's over and done with I never even think about it"
Yeah, right "Never?"
"Nope I'm pretty resilient, Caldwell You trample on et on with my life"
I don't say anything but I think to myself, But at what cost?
A change in subject is definitely in order It's not for ure out her e as she can keep those feelings out of her next article
"So, how did you end up at Columbia from Duke?"
"I made a mistake and followed my heart"
Definitely a touch of bitter laced inside her sweet accent "Let uessthe ex-fiance?"
She nods "Yup Marc We ot a job in New York He asked me to transfer so I could be with him and I said yes"
I can't help but note the bitterness see schools In fact, there is wayabout her ex-fiance "You didn't want to leave Duke" It's a state, not a question
A wistful sraduate fro up My mom and dad both went there"
"You're close to your parents, huh?"
"My momyes Very close My dad, not so much"