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The final piece to litter mask, which I tie around my head with lacy straps The Cube is a full blackout club, with neither names nor identities Everyone there is anonyest draws
I walk up to a set of double black doors at the nearest warehouse Sexy electric lounge music slinks around me, and the camera seems to blink as I approach I knock and wait Then, a voice pipes over the speaker by the door and says, “The hopeful man seeks freedom”
“But the wise e the passcode every night, so I always check the app before I leave my phone
The door unlatches and swings open A woreets me
“Good evening Coain “I’ll take your keys, and please extend your arms for me” I follow her orders and she waves a metal detector wand over my body Then, I peel off my trench coat and another wo check
Iarters are working their ic, and my heart pounds in anticipation of what’s to come But security at the Cube is ruthless
“Thu and coat, please,” the hostess says before holding out a digital pad I press my thumb to the smooth surface and the screen blips It’s an efficient way of assuring our identity She s, Miss Cuesta”
“Thank you,” I murmur, and then the double doors behind the reception area open Music wafts out, and I look around The rooold chandeliers, red velvet sofas, and an old-timey bar in back with a dark wood surface I mince over to the bar in my heels and order a red wine The bartenders nod courteously, and within minutes, I have my drink There’s no need to pay, and in fact, I wouldn’t be able to because my outfit has no pockets Nonetheless, I understand that antly expensive, and that many of the men are ridiculously rich
But that’s not on ain atto ten bedrooms, each one more lavish than the next My visits to those roohs clench with the memory To the left is the entryway, and beyond that is a warren of rooms filled with delicious toys I’ve been there a few times, and the depravity always astonishes me anew I didn’t know that people could be like this
But right now, things are relatively caler nearby with their drinks, the woerie and heels, and theblack tuxedos Everyone has on h we’re supposed to be anonyulars
For example, nearHe and his wife, who’s equally blonde, murmur to one another I know she likes to watch him with other woe when they’re having fun
Then, a woes to be cute and sexy at the saot a collar around her neck, and a ure Exhibitionists, both of the Girl and her owner are furries, and sometimes they copulate in the usting, but it’s actually quite sexy to watch
Meanwhile, I scan the room for a so-called “friend” There’s a woman ears a pink flower mask, and she’s as close to a friend as I have at the Cube I hope she’s here tonight She calls litter mask and always has a tip forhere for years
A man in a feather and horn mask approaches n He is already ht to walk around without one because he clearly lives at the gym His shoulders are broad, and his stomach is toned and flat with visible six pack abs He has a strong jaith high cheekbones
“You seeh
“I ht be”
“Might I be that someone?”
I giggle “Not unless you’re a young woman who usually wears a pink flower mask”