page18 (1/2)
She couldn't let hi to re up in Griffin's bed
Revenge affair, revenge affair, revenge affair
That's all it was A one-night stand to soothe her pride
Just like that, however, shock waves racked her, and she felt herself splinter and come apart
Griffin raised hiain
When he smoothed a stray hair away from her face, her eyes met his
Her lips parted "Carter never wanted to—"
"Carter is an idiot Haven't we established that already?"
Despite his dark tone, his expression held masculine satisfaction—as if he was pleased he'd already outplayed Carter
She slid her hand along his e to touch and caress him
He tensed and caught her hand "Ah, kitten Not a good idea right now"
She looked at hi dawned
"I've got to be inside you," he said roughly "I'e"
"Yes," she breathed
He positioned her, and then slid inside her, inch by inch, filling up all the empty space within her
When he entered her completely, he expelled an explosive breath
She'd underestiht dimly, what it would be like to be possessed by Griffin
He began toto evoke a response fro sense of where her pleasure points were
Another orgas into his back, but Griffin just kept taking her higher…until they hung there in the balance, a stretched moment of tension that let them savor the intimacy
And then with a harsh groan, Griffin arched back, the tendons standing in relief against his neck, and drove into her, spilling hi her own final, blissful topple over the edge
G riffin awoke the nextwith a s from the mists of an erotic dream
As the last reht came back to him
He'd bedded Evangeline Tremont
He'd never felt so connected during sex
The bed shifted beside hi himself on an elbow
Eva's eyes re up
Her ainst the milky softness of her skin Her lips were parted and looked puffy, soft and inviting
His ht before He remembered how passionately she'd kissed him back and how expertly she'd used her s of arousal
Eva ainst his
After a moment, her eyes fluttered open
"Good ," he said
"I was just watching you wake up"
Her eyes widened "Were you?"