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Kassandra stumbled back, her expression stunned
"You won't get aith it," Eden said when she could get her mouth to form words
Kassandra's eyes narrowed "You're wrong I'h to prevent an accidental pregnancy"
"You told hinant on purpose"
"He came to that conclusion on his own"
"But you led him there"
Kassandra's shrug said, so what if she had? "He should never have ue and you never will be"
"One day he's going to remember You know that, don't you?" Eden de to him about what kind of wife I've been Aristide's sense of honor is very i to be furious when he realizes you are directly responsible for hi it"
Kassandra s her like a cloak "We were friends long before you one And believe one"
Eden stood very straight, letting all the disdain she felt for the other woman show "Friends is the operative word I was his lover and now I' anywhere"
If there was soe, she would save it If not, she would walk away because it was the right thing to do, not because she'd been sent packing by the selfish manipulator in front of her
"I may not be his wife, but what makes you so sure I am not his lover?"
"As I said…rity He wouldn't take a mistress"
He had promised her and she had believed him She wasn't sure Aristide didn't want Kassandra, but she refused to believe he had taken the other woman as a mistress Without another word or opportunity for Kassandra to vent more of her malice, Eden stormed away
She barelyfor a restroo committed the first act of violence in her adult life, co on Aristide's lack of memory to ames nancy-sensitized system
Aristide ht not be able to re her cry Even though he had every reason to believe she was all he despised in a wo her tears were his fault ry
He told everyone he could not remember her at all and in a sense that was true, but once he accepted he had a wife, an overwhelht about his e It centered on Eden, but he did not knohat caused it or how to dispel it
He knew only that soe and it was all too easy to believe his wife had been a carbon copy of the woman who had married his uncle
Regardless, he got no enjoy her walk away fro very …particularly no woman That way lay total destruction for the reat-uncle
Matthias De ay tooand hu the old man Both Aristide and Sebastian had learned a hard and painful lesson froe to Andrea
He glowered at the door Eden had gone through Me him to his knees
"Thatoff without her coat The te out there and she didn't strike me as the sort of woman to storm anywhere"
Aristide's head snapped up at the sound of the doctor's voice He didn't kno long he'd been staring at the closed door, half-expecting his wife to coh why he should, he had no idea
"We were not fighting"
"You could have fooled me"
The tension inside Aristide increased another notch "My relationship withyou need to concern yourself with"
"That's not true Your aically based, as we've discussed I would say your relationship with Eden is key to your medical condition and your health is my responsibility"
Aristide clenched his jaw at the doctor's use of her first naain No Greek doctor would be so familiar, but his wife and this doctor were both American Common sense told him to leave it alone, but his male instincts shrieked for redress
"Nevertheless," he said through gritted teeth, "I have no intention of discussing my ith you"
"I cannot force you to, of course, but she's been through a lot since the accident Your memory loss and refusal to see her has been hard on her She's vulnerable right now Try to remember that"
"I did not refuse to see her"