page35 (1/2)
Larissa ainst the list of basket sizes she’d gotten fro craft shop outside of town
“They’ll fit perfectly,” she said, showing Bailey the di I can wash it, so everything stays clean”
Her e table was already on order and she had a lease on the roo step But it felt right
The space was perfect for her Large, with a couple of s Bailey was already talking Role sink in a narrow cabinet that gave her enough counter space to heat wet packs along with river rocks if she wanted to do hot stone e table Kenny and Sam had picked out, she would still have rooe unit
Bailey pulled the paint chips out of her bag “Okay, then, onto the next thing What color do you want? I think we should narrow it down to your favorite three or four Then we’ll go get samples and paint squares on the wall”
“You can do that?”
“Sure The hardware store will reat They’re, like, three dollars each A chip is one thing, but seeing the paint in place changes everything”
“How do you know so much about home improvement?”
Bailey shrugged “I was raised by ht, but that didn’t stop her fro trash into treasure I kno to make a nickel cry for mercy”
“Then you’re uru” Larissa took the paint chips and flipped through the to both men and women”
“So not pink or lavender?”
“Probably not”
They went through dozens of choices before settling on a couple of sage greens, two blues and a warm ivory
“Perfect,” Bailey said “The next step is to get the sao to the hardware store?”
Larissa wrinkled her nose “You s to do than babysit me today What about Chloe?”
“She’s with a couple of her friends It’s an all-day birthday party She’s going to be exhausted when she gets home” Bailey smiled “Sorry, you’re stuck with me”
“Not stuck I love the company”
“Good Let’s go to Jo’s I’ for nachos”
Larissa couldn’t re It would have been before things had ended with Jack Since then she’d only picked at food Nothing interested her and she was never hungry But now she felt a little ru in her stomach
“Nachos do sound good,” she ado”
They left the day spa and walked along Fifth There were plenty of tourists in town for the End of Summer festival, but theythe rest of town for the locals It was a good systeht One that allowed the dollars to flohile keeping things livable
“I talked to o,” Larissa said as they crossed the street
“Did she try to talk you intoback to LA?”
“Yes, but not very hard I told her I liked it here, that I’d ood life She was sorry Jack hurt me but relieved it was over She was very supportive” There’d been an offer of e table, she could swing the rest of it herself
“I pro,” she continued “So everyone can see I’ to tell them my business is a success”
“It will be,” Bailey said confidently “You’re good at what you do and you’re going to have steady customers”
Larissa nodded Kenny and Saes For a second she wondered where Jack was getting hisnot to let the knowledge hurt her Or maybe there was someone else in town Not that he or she would understand hoork the scar tissue so it didn’t—
Not her problem anymore, she reminded herself firmly Jack had chosen to walk away froether There were consequences to every action He was going to have to deal with his
“I should really be going on a diet,” Bailey said, “and all I can think about is what kind of nachos Jo is going to have on special today Maybe I need food counseling”
Larissa stared at her “What are you talking about? You look great You have curves No one is going to think you look like a boy”
“No one thinks that about you, either,” Bailey pointed out She patted her hips “I could lose ten pounds Or twenty I probably should Maybe if I started walking or so It’s just I’ve never been a fan of exercise And when I see Taryn’s bony butt, I just want to eat a brownie”
“She is inti”
“Yeah, right You’re the same size”
Norht now she could easily fit into any of Taryn’s tightest dresses Not eating had a way of doing that to a person
“Not all exercise requires sweat,” she told her friend “Have you tried yoga?”
“I’m not super bendy,” Bailey admitted “Or coordinated”
“Neither is necessary All the moves can be modified to your level of flexibility and fitness The nice part is it forces you to focus on your breathing and your body for an hour There’s no escaping that With running or weight training, you can get lost in what you’re doing But with the es you back to the present”
“That does sound nice,” Bailey adh she still sounded a little doubtful “I’ll see if there’s a class somewhere I can try”
They walked into Jo’s
It took Larissa’s eyes a second to adjust to the diht afternoon sun When she’d blinked a couple of times she saw the familiar bar, the specials on the chalkboard—pulled pork nachos today—and the tables and booths